Barcode Images
If you require barcode images we can provide these for you – please click on the relevant link below.
Retail Barcode Images – This will give you barcode images for your 13 digit EAN or 12 digit UPC barcode number (for your retail product). The images will be emailed to you in several formats – you can choose which format you prefer to use, and get the barcode image printed onto your labels or packaging. If you don’t want to print the barcode onto labels (or the packaging) yourself then you can purchase a roll of sticky barcode labels from us on our Label Page.
General Barcode Images – other kinds of images, for QR Codes, ITF-14 Carton codes, Code-128/39 etc. Please advise which type of barcode image you would like in the “additional information” section when you are checking out.
For other types of barcodes please see: CD barcodes, DVD barcodes, ISBN book barcodes and ISSN magazine barcodes.