Thousands of happy customers Worldwide | 3m+ Barcodes sold globally | 10,000+ scans each day

Code 128 and Code 39 Barcodes


Here you can purchase sequential Code-128 or Code-39 barcode images for asset tracking. These are used for library books and gym membership cards as well as asset tracking in large businesses.

Please advise what sequence you would like and which format you would like the barcodes in.

Note – Code-39 can encode both letters and numbers but requires more space because of this, so if you have a large amount of space then Code-39 could work. However, if you are fitting your barcodes into a small space, you may require Code-128 barcodes to ensure that they scan easily at a smaller size.

Once we receive your order, we will manually create the barcode for you, and email it to you.

  • Code-39 or Code-128 Barcode Images code 128 example

    Purchase Code-39 or Code-128 Barcode images below. Select the quantity you want, and then enter the data you want to be encoded (e.g. “DR2039”) into the “additional information” section of the checkout page. We will send the barcode images to you in 4 different formats (jpeg, tiff, pdf, eps, BMP).

    Quantity Price per image
    1  $ 30
    2  $ 25 each
    3  $ 20 each
    4-9  $ 15 each
    10 – 19 $ 8 each
    20 – 49 $ 5 each
    50+ $ 2.50 each

    Note—If you need sequences or large quantities of these, please contact us, and we can arrange a price.

    Add to cart

Please feel free to contact us for any guidance regarding your specific use of these.